Tensile three-dimensional treatment

of slipped disc

The world looks now is how to reduce the use of drugs and medicines, which has a share of high-side effects on different body systems, which the most important of the liver, kidneys and stomach for that heading of science and research to modern technology as an alternative through which to treat slipped discs, whether to the back or neck through physiotherapy , this is confirmed by us Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nabil El Bahrawy Professor of Physical Therapy, where is the tensile three-dimensional computer latest findings of modern science in the treatment of Allinzlaq cartilage types, under glittering intellectual science was invented a device to flatten three-dimensional, which allows a tensile strength in all directions and dimensions , and depending on the patient complaint and what it reveals tests of the proportion of slipped disc and its direction and the impact of the nerve roots that Glide, For the degree of slipped disc and the affected nerve by The degree of tensile strength and direction, ranging from the degree of blocking cartilage of the class of simple and unaffected by the back muscles only, a medium in which the affected by movements of the back in all directions and may be accompanied by pain is influenced by the thigh, and even these pains that afflict the thigh is divided into several degrees, there is a patient complains of low back pain with repetition in the groin and there is another patient complained of lower back pain with repetition up to mid-calf to the borders of the knee, and there is another patient suffering from severe pain up to the toes, where the patient complains of the impossibility of carrying this pain.

All of this is due to the extent and severity of the slipped disc and therefore had to be free of these nerve roots of this pressure particle, which is located from the slipped disc, how is edit these nerve roots from pressure, this is done using the strain three-dimensional computer with the use of analgesics for pain is described by the physician of the patient is tensile three-dimensional way of modern treatment of such cases through certain Oaudhah allowed a certain tensile movements through which the tensile strength also allows the traction device from sleep mode on the back or abdomen, and also stirring the angle of the back to the right side or left side. It must before using the tensile three-dimensional computer is a good assessment of the extent of movements, which allows the spine especially the lumbar spine (lumbar region), whether these movements drape alarmed by the front, side, or rotation and is used in the evaluation device to measure the movement-mail to the accuracy of the accounts of these movements. And the new in the tensile three-dimensional that allows the device to easily work to move negative lumbar region with tensile strength in the sense that we can very carefully the work of tensile strength of the vertebrae with different orientations to the right or left or turning at the same moment, which makes editing the nerve roots from pressure causes of slipped discs easy and correct.

In addition to all these possibilities as a tensile strength three-dimensional, can be used in different situations during the process of tensile strength, such as sleep mode on the ducks during the tensile strength and control in the development of the legs, either up or down and bend the knees or legs now as comfortable for the patient and the selection of these modes depending on the severity and direction of slip cartilage.

With regard to flatten the neck vertebrae, in this talk that we can we make a push through the greatness of the skull at the chin area, which makes an impressive tensile strength have an effective influence on the cervical spine are gradually edit the nerve roots and healing from the pain, God willing.

In addition to the use of tensile three-dimensional in cases of slipped disc can also be used in cases of post-surgery, slipped disc, where he spoke in some cases, adhesions between the tissue and each other which sometimes leads to the percentage of fibrosis at the site of surgery and lead to symptoms very similar to cases of slipped disc and imagine the patient to Surgery did not work but Valjrahp successful but must be enabled work tension light after weeks of surgical sutures will prevent the establishment of this strain to form adhesions is either the return to near-normal life of the patient.

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