Photo-therapy for diabetic foot and peripheral nerve


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of MIRE on restoring balance and consequently reducing the risk of falls in diabetic peripheral neuropathic patients. To maintain standing balance the postural control systems integrate information from the visual, vestibular extroceptive, and proprioceptive inputs and changes in any one increased risk of falling. So it can be confirmed that postural instability in diabetic peripheral neuropathies usually attributed to the lack of accurate proprioceptive feedback from the lower limbs. The results of the present study demonstrated that treatment with MIRE delivered in the manner specified in the study protocol resulted in a significant improvement in balance that indicated by increasing speed of tandem walk. These results agree with the results of Leonard et al., who demonstrated that phototherapy application for diabetic peripheral neuropathy improving sensation in the feet, reducing pain and improving balance, but they relied in their evaluation on qualitative measurement for balance, on the other hand, in this study we used quantitative objective evaluation by balance master system. The improvement of balance can be explained through the photo biological effect on increasing vascular efficacy (circulation) by enhancing release of Nitric oxide (NO) from hemoglobin. Such underlying mechanism has been documented in the clinical literature.

No initiates and maintains vasodilatation through a cascade of biological events that culminate in the relaxation of smooth muscle cells that line arteries, veins and lymphatics. MIRE appears to break the bond between nitric oxide and hemoglobin making it bioavailable to cause vasodilatation, analgesia, angiogenesis and other physiological effects known to be produced by No. Based on these data, we would postulate that, application of 12 phototherapy sessions improve balance, and consequently decrease the incidence of falls in diabetic peripheral Neuropathy.

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