Recovery of hand function for stroke patient

Reflects the enormous development of science and technology, the importance of physical therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, which result in paraplegia partial, is the problem of stiffness in the muscles of the hand and fingers of the most difficult problems, which thinks a lot of patients but the medical team sometimes it is a problem difficult to solve and I was still aware of physical therapy is constantly evolving to participate in the many solutions to such problems, which need to be highly skilled in the development of a treatment program

Dr. Mohammed Nabil Bahrawy said, If we look at and analyzed this problem find that the main reason to count motor control muscle due to the stiff joints of the wrist, hand and fingers promise of a consensus myoneural between those muscles to each other, they must first cure the stiffness so that the patient can regain control of motor This Mufaslolky achieve such an important step in the Bs treatment must use modern way, the attempt to introduce material into these muscles, such as sulphate of magnesium, which is working to thwart this stiffness, to be the entry of such materials through the use of a Alayntvuoris, which works to satisfy this Stiff muscles that article through the pores of the skin very minute without affecting the rest of the places of the body, and is considered the most important step of the remedial steps for the recovery of motor control of hand muscle

Comes after that how to strengthen muscles and reverse, which works to raise the wrist and individual fingers, using many ways the most important neuromuscular electrical alarm is determined dose and time depending on the degree of vulnerability and the degree of muscle stiffness

Dr. Mohammed Nabil said, divided the functions of the hand to the two main parts, the function of sensory and which employs the brain to identify the types and texture and the size of things, and one determines the brain the amount of muscle power needed by the person to catch and load these things, so it has to be Wood's post of women's occupational to perform the functions of the hand and fingers, and therefore must be trained first on constipation sizes light of large diameter, and constipation sizes heavy with a diameter smaller and smaller, until we reach to grasp objects between thumb and index finger, and following this step directly how to retrieve and link memory motor movements of the hand and fingers and their participation in the Movement career total of the arm, and is done through repeated movements of a model quite similar to the movements we perform thousands of times during daily life, for example, training grip sizes Almokhtalvp and guidance on the mouth or the shoulder the other, or behind the back, and there has to be the focus of the patient in how to perform proper movement and the right direction, and how to use the sense of sight or hearing, such as to strengthen these movements and their performance, in the sense that it is imperative for patient follow-up of these movements in view of calculations a minute to compare this program to program old stock motor in nature before the injury. In order to maintain the patient in each treatment session to the conclusion reached by movements of positive him wear a splint put fingers in career mode right, especially Ospa thumb and index finger due to their importance and space in the centers of the brain motor, and here we can say there is no impossible as long as there is consent " Above all, ever aware of Knowing "

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